General Medicine

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General medicine refers t the primary diagnosis of a patient by the doctors. This happens before the pathological tests while the doctors try to assess the disease by doing physical examination, medical history, food habits, symptoms and other related factors of the patient. Some of the most commonly known medical conditions belong to General medicine are:
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Asthma
  • Hypertension

Medineuro Healthcare Centre Private Limited Siliguri as a known place for its quality treatments in the field of General medicine. Very soon it has become a place of reliability among people for several issues like headache, stroke, epilepsy, paralysis, and Parkinson disease and brain tumor.

Treatments for Headache and Migraine

Headache is one of the most common illnesses all over the world if not the most one. Almost 75% adults suffer from mild or major headache problem every year.  A very common symptom of headache is a pain in the head or on face or in a part or side of the face. Judging from the variety of the illness it’s quite evident that headache requires proper evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.  That is why; at Medineuro Healthcare Private Centre Limited we do a description of your headache which is very important to begin with. We also collect clinical description of the intensity and type of the problem for an effective treatment. This includes both physical and neurological examinations for headaches. After gathering all these data and doing all the primary diagonistics we try to figure out what is triggering the pain for a particular patient.  After that we start treating the patient for strees management, Biofeedback or medications depending upon the type and intensity.  At Medineuro Healthcare Centre Private Limited you can choose from various kinds of treatments.

Frequently Asked Question

No, Acute gastroenteritis or acute diarrhea refers to passage of loose stools; compare to what is often associate with normal. This may cause cramps and bloating.

Diabetes Mellitus means increasing of sugar level in the blood due to incapability of producing insulin in the body and it requires proper medical attention and diagnosis.

Alcohol consumption may lead lo drowsiness and when combine with medicines which also has sedative effect can be risky and dangerous.

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