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Neurology is a vast area of medicine and a rather complicated area as well. This majorly includes the treatment of brain and spinal cord related disease, muscle problems and peripheral nerve diseases. Neorological conditions in the body may include.
  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)

At Medineuro Healthcare Centre expertise of our medical personnel and the benefits of the tools for determining and treating the diseases enable us to successfully diagnose and treat almost all the major neurological diseases. We understand that beginning of a proper treatment starts with a proper and accurate diagnosis.  In the field of Neurology accuracy of tests and diagnosis matters a lot and can drastically change the effect and pace of treatment. Some of our advance level neurological tests are: transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) test, EEG test and carotid duplex (CD) ultrasound test

Treatments for Stroke

As per the data of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States every year more than 795,000 people suffer from mild o severe stroke. Stroke can be of various types like Transient ischemic attack (TIA), ischemic or Hemorrhagic and can lead to temporary palalysis, long-term disability or even death. As a part of the treatment we, at Medineuro Healthcare Centre Private Limited start with the personal background of the patient. Then the doctors ask about the current medications of the patient, then they will check the blood pressure, after that they will run some tests like blood tests for blood sugar level, platelet counts and cholesterol levels. Our doctors may also order for MRI and CT scan if required.  Electrocardiogram (EKG) test, cerebral angiogram, Carotid ultrasound and Echocardiogram are some of our treatment procedures at Medineuro. In case, the person already has a severe stroke we try to treat the patient with clot-breaking drugs, mechanical thrombectomy, or the doctors may perform Stents. For the worst case scenarios, surgery is needed.

Treatments for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a condition where the victim goes through seizures. As per data almost 50 milion people get affected by epilepsy every year, all over the world. 3.5 million People get effected evey year only in the United States, as per the data of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Initially our doctor orders a complete blood count (CBC). Signs of any infectious illness, function or liver and kidney and glucose level in the blood all these are determined by tests. Then we run an Electroencephalogram (EEG) test on the patientDepending on the type and intensity of the epilepsy we prefer anti-epileptic drugs, Vagus nerve stimulator, Ketogenic diet or even Brain surgery, if needed. Some of the common medications that we prescribe for our patients at Medineuro Healthcare are levetiracetam, valproic acid, lamotrigine, ethosuximide etc.

Treatments for Paralysis & Parkinson’s Disease

Similar to epilepsy, paralysis can be partial or complete depending upon the intensity. According to the United States Paralysis Prevalence and Health Disparities Survey paralysis can be happened as a result of stroke, cerebral palsy, sclerosis or spinal cord injury. After determining the type, symptoms and intensity of the problem our doctors may go through physical therapy, some medications, occupational therapy or nerve transfer surgery if needed.  In spite of the fact that there is no specific treatment or medication for paralysis but our experienced doctors at Medineuro Healthcare analyze the impact of the problem and recommend base treatments which is the most promising medication procedure any healthcare organization can offer.

Parkinson’s disease is directly related to old age where a person may gradually have degenerative brain condition, and as a result of this they may not be able to move fast or move all of their body parts with same efficiency, it can also leads to shaking of hands and legs for old people. At Medineuro Healthcare Centre Private Limited we do Arthography , Computed Tomography, Bone Scan, Discography, Dual-Photon Absorptiometry, Doppler Ultrasound. Some other tests we run to determine the conditions more accurately. These are: Blood test, genetic testing, computerized tomography (CT) scan, MRI, Positron emission tomography scan. After determining the impact through the tests then our doctor prescribe medications or in rare instances we have the facility to go through surgery to implant a device for delivering electrical current to the brain. For further procedures doctors consult with the patient and then recommend levodopa, some stimulating dopamine, levodopa metabolism inhibitors, adenosine blockers etc.

Frequently Asked Question

Stroke can have multiple impacts on human body. It can paralyse limbs, parts of the body or can be fatal too. As per the data of American Heart Association (AHA) 37.6 person out of 100,000 age-adjusted dead person were diagnosed with stroke (2017)

Seizures can mainly be of four types:

  • Tonic: Stiffness in the muscle
  • Atonic: Body muscles become loose and relax
  • Myoclonic: Temporary tremors in the body parts
  • Clonic: Relapse of tremor in the body parts

Yes, as per experts, in many instances, genetic predisposition lead to epilepsy while combine with environmental conditions. Approximately, 30-40 percent epilepsy cases occur because of genetic predisposition.

There is still no permanent cure for paralysis. However, certain types of paralysis like Bell’s palsy sometimes go away with time.

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