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No, Acute gastroenteritis or acute diarrhea refers to passage of loose stools; compare to what is often associate with normal. This may cause cramps and bloating.

Diabetes Mellitus means increasing of sugar level in the blood due to incapability of producing insulin in the body and it requires proper medical attention and diagnosis.

Alcohol consumption may lead lo drowsiness and when combine with medicines which also has sedative effect can be risky and dangerous.

Stroke can have multiple impacts on human body. It can paralyse limbs, parts of the body or can be fatal too. As per the data of American Heart Association (AHA) 37.6 person out of 100,000 age-adjusted dead person were diagnosed with stroke (2017)

Seizures can mainly be of four types:

  • Tonic: Stiffness in the muscle
  • Atonic: Body muscles become loose and relax
  • Myoclonic: Temporary tremors in the body parts
  • Clonic: Relapse of tremor in the body parts

Yes, as per experts, in many instances, genetic predisposition lead to epilepsy while combine with environmental conditions. Approximately, 30-40 percent epilepsy cases occur because of genetic predisposition.

There is still no permanent cure for paralysis. However, certain types of paralysis like Bell’s palsy sometimes go away with time.

With age joints in the body may wear and tear because of over use. This is the main reason for causing arthritis. Apart from that it can happen because of injuries and obesity.

There is still no permanent cure for Parkinson’s disease. However, proper treatments may ease the intensity of the problem.

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) can be measured by a Dexa Scan. Cost of DExa Scan is approximately between Rs 1500-6000

A skin test is the most common way for determining allergies. The type of skin test doctors mainly do is a scratch test where the doctors put a drop of allergen into the skin.

Sinus infections are not dangerous or fatal and last approximately a week to a couple of weeks. However, if left untreated then it can cause complications.

If the infection is in the middle ear and left untreated then it can lead to permanent hearing disability.

An otolaryngologist is a specialized doctor who diagnose and treat ear, nose and throat related problems.  This also includes treatment of parts of head and neck structure related to ear, nose and throat.

Gallblader operation is required in case the patient is suffering from painful gallstones.

Outpatient surgery can be performed in an impatient facility. Apart from that it can be performed in a self-contained area of the hospital or in the private office of a physician.

Abdominal adhesion cannot be removed permanently. By doing surgery they can be cut away so that the organ cannot touch each other.

Apart from a thorough examination by the doctors there are a few tests to determine hernia.

  • Endoscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • Barium X-ray

Blood test results can be obtained within four to six hours. Sometimes it can take up to a couple of days if the samples have been sent to a test facility away from the pathology.

Clinical pathology means tests perform in pathology to identify the presence of bacteria, virus or parasites in the body. On the other hand, molecular pathology incorporates some aspects of clinical pathology and also of anatomic pathology.